Tuesday, December 22, 2009

CHRISTMAS STORY HALL OF FAME! The Journey's Preparation!

"Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth!" Proverbs 17:1 But it is fun to plan!

When a journey is planned we take a lot of things into consideration. Our mode of travel; the clothes we will pack; how much money we will need; preparation of food; making reservations and keeping all things in moderation. Of course we have choices in all of these things. We have choices in our mode of travel; to fly, to drive, to take the train or a boat, but never walking or riding a donkey! We even set a time to arrive, depart and how long to stay.

The roads we travel on today are for the most part paved. Some mountainous roads that are called county roads and are not fit for man or beast, are left to the adventurous, or to the county. When we travel we stay to the highways and byways that are mapped out for us.

We have this beautiful picture painted in our memory banks that depict Mary riding on a donkey with Joseph walking in front of her and sometimes along side her. However, the scriptures do not say this. Joseph being a business man by trade probably had the means to travel on occasion by donkey or even a camel. So the assumption that Mary road on a donkey is possible. However, in her condition, she didn't ride on a donkey for over 80 miles. I can attest to a ride on a donkey is far mor uncomfortable than walking even when not pregnant. However, wagons, carts and beasts of burden were a common choice for travel even among the common people. But in the early Israelite history the donkey was the steed of the wealthy.

I can't attest to the conditions of the roads but the Roman network of main roads comprised of over 50,000 miles with almost a quarter million more miles of second-class arteries. Most of their roads were not only well graded and leveled, but normally they were solidly constructed with a top layer of stone for paying. I am almost sure this was not the case from the little town of Nazareth to Jerusalem; it was more likely, a county road with ruts and ridges along with rocky, pebbly defined roadway which was considered useable for travel.

It is possible Joseph had traveled this road before because many required religious functions, were held at the Temple in Jerusalem and he would have wanted to be there. The time duration of this journey would have depended upon the mode of travel, the weather and the physical condition of those who were traveling. Traveling by foot would have taken Joseph and Mary 10-15 miles a day because of her condition; "being great with child!" During this time, traveling the roads were safer because the Romans were patrolling during the time of Christ.

God's timing is everything, even on the road to Bethlehem. The Roman emperor , Caesar Augustus was responsible for bringing the war warriors into action that brought the fighting to an end and called the empire to rest. This was providential since it granted open roads to spread the gospel. But for now it offered safety to the new parents-to-be!

The Bethlehem entourage probably consisted of more than Joseph and Mary. Could be there were servants, beasts of burden carrying their home away from home which would include a shelter; food; clothing; utensils and whatever else is required for a family in those days. We must keep in mind she was soon to deliver! Time was not as crucial during these days of travel. It was easy to set aside a month and journey off to see or do whatever was on the agenda. It probably took our traveler's about a full week to reach their destination along with many others.

"And all went to be enrolled, each to his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be enrolled with Mary his wife, who was with child." Luke 1:3-5
By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/17/09 (Handbook of Bible Times & Customs)

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