Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Want to dance? 10/8/08

When I was in my early twenties, my brother Layton wanted to take up square dancing. Why he wanted to do that is another story but because I ended up learning to square dance, this part has become my story. This was the furthest thing from my mind and yet I found myself learning to square dance. I loved it! When Jim found out I was doing that, he came. He made me nervous. Not because I was interested in him but because he was interested in me. I didn't want him in my square. He made me all feet! My brother Layton didn't care because it kept me occupied so that he could concentrate on his mission. You know, in square dancing you have to pay attention to the caller and do what he is saying. Each member of the square listens and moves to the call together. When you do, it is beautiful and very much fun. When one is not listening and basically doing her own thing it trips up the others in the square and pure disaster is ahead. When it is Aleman Left with the old left hand and you go Aleman Right with the old left hand everyone gets confused. If your partner is quick & strong enough he can keep you from falling underfoot.
In learning ball room dancing they use to have footprints all over the floor. By arranging forward steps, side steps, sliding steps, half steps, and backward steps in just the right patterns, it was clear that one could waltz, fox trot, tango, rhumba or whatever. I realize that some of the current dances defy any sort of diagraming. As a matter of fact, even those old dances could not happen just by putting the correct footsteps together. You need music, rhythm and communication plus cooperation between the dancers.
In the church, 1 Corinthians 12:12_27 says we are different but we are all part of the body of Christ. There should be no division or distinctions. Even though we may be different we should have equal concern for each other. The bond of Christ holds us together like glue and causes unity in our differences. Let's look at the church as if it were a dance. Where are you in the dance? Are you taking the lead, or holding back in fear. Are you in rhythm with others or stumbling, feeling like you have two left feet. Perhaps others are out of sync with you. Can you imagine you are the wallflower, watching but never participating?
My husband Jim wrote the following for a sermon on singing. I thought it worked well here. When we are part of the church dance team this is what happens. "There's work on the on the in the going on everywhere. There are bills being letter prepared...communion prepared...lessons prepared and given...sermons prepared and preached...prayers being said...scriptures read. There are Sunday School teachers...a church secretary...musicians tunning up...the worship team prepared with singing, prayer and scripture. There is a youth group...children's church... the serving communion following the meditation...special music...and there is fellowship. There is calling on people in the homes and in the hospitals...there are 50's plus dinners....There are mid_week bible studies and quilters....women’s ministry activities. Do you hear it? Can you see it? It's the church dancing to the beat of God's leading. The Gospel is the melody and any activity that supports it, is the harmony. Faithfulness to do the work promptly, is the rhythm and when everything is done in harmony and regularly, the dance is beautiful.
Any activity that does not support the Gospel produces discord. Failure to do the work regularly confuses the rhythm of the dance. Do we cringe when someone isn’t good at it or do we lend a hand to make it better. "Jesus is the cornerstone". The church dance should never make anyone cringe. How about it....Do you want to dance? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/25/08

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