Monday, October 13, 2008

We should get an ice-cream! 10/13/08

Good Monday morning! When you are my age, everyday is Saturday except for Sundays. Yesterday was a good day in the house of the Lord. However, today our devotional is called 'We should get an ice-cream'....As you go enjoy your day and your week. Jane Ann

My #3 grandson, Jordan likes to watch "Sponge Bob, Square Pants". My #1 & 2, Adam and Ryan also like watching that show but not as much as Jordan. For the most part I didn’t mind the children’s TV shows like Scooby Doo and Barney the Dinosaur. There were others but I can’t readily remember the titles. However, I never really cared for "Sponge Bob, Square Pants". Maybe it was the name of the show or perhaps because they lived under the water. What were they drinking when they came up with this little community of water organisms living under the sea, talking, planning and just being obnoxious all at the same time.
Because the boys watched this show, sometimes I would find myself watching right along with them. Even Jim, reclining in his chair, would watch when he wasn’t napping. As you have probably been able to perceive, if you have been reading my treasures of Morning-Glory’s, that I can’t always remember what was happening when I glean a little phrase that becomes part of our household dialogue. Sponge Bob and his very close friend, who was a starfish, were planning some sort of project. Sponge Bob was very excited and a little distressed. He ended his tirade with; "Well, what do you think, Patrick? Patrick, thought for a moment and then with a gleam in his eye and in that low, very slow way of his, said; "I think, we should get an ice cream". I don’t remember what happened after that and neither does Jim. All we remembered was "we should get an ice cream". Knowing us, we probably did!
That has become the solution for all of the "what do you thinks" that we come up with. I suppose there are many ways to solve a problem, but what could be sweeter than ice cream. I can’t think of anyone who does not find pleasure and even solve problems over a bowl of ice cream. Make mine with nuts, if you please!
I suppose we could walk around all day with a cloud over our heads like Charlie Brown did. Or go around saying; "Oh woes es me", as the donkey Eeyore did, as one of the make believe friends of Christopher Robin. Perhaps that is just what some of us do! I think I prefer ice cream, don’t you? It is a cheer-up factor if I have ever seen one!
My mother always had a freezer full of day old bake goods that she would buy off the bakery truck every Saturday night. One evening when Lloyd mentioned that, today was some presidents birthday, my Mom calmly said; "I don’t think we have any ice cream". No matter, we ate frozen cake, but ice cream would have been good!
One afternoon my brother Layton came over to the little house I shared with my sister Jean. He asked if we wanted to go and get an ice cream cone. Of course we did! We piled into his car and set off for a 50 minute drive to Ocean Park in Santa Monica to get an ice cream cone. We should have known! This was Layton,! what were we thinking? But the ice cream not only sounded good, but was good!
Lets look at Psalms 144:15; This is a little verse that get’s overlooked even though this thought is reveal to us throughout the scriptures. "Happy the people to whom such blessings fall! Happy the people whose God is the Lord." The verses before 15, show us what the blessings were. Our sons and daughters would grow strong and regal, our cupboards would be full. We will prosper and have no fear of starvation. Distress would not be our cry. Many places it says blessed are they, and then it goes on to say what brings this blessing to us. However, all of these things come down to "whose God is the Lord" and "those who obey my commandments". I have to admit that eating ice cream is satisfying and full of calories! But then, I know that receiving God’s blessings is more than wonderful. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/29/08

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