Monday, June 22, 2009


Some things have come to my attention these past few weeks. Things that I have seen happen over and over within the church body. I have never understood the why and wherefore these things come about, but I can only attribute them to Satan and how he can undermind the workings of the church. I have personally gone to those who have started these dysfunctional disturbances, however, I am not immune and I am guilty. We are all guilty! This week let's look at who is the captain and what position each of us are to play in order to be winners on God's team.
When my brother Larry was a senior in High School, he was a running back on the Varsity football team. I loved going to the football games on Friday nights, even after I was out of high school. Lots of excitement with plenty of yelling, singing and chanting until you thought you would just burst. One of Larry’s most exciting games was when he received the pass pretty close to the 50 yd line and was running down the sideline heading towards the goal line while all the other players were pursuing further back on the field. Larry was well clear and running for all he was worth. The crowds in the stands were yelling and screaming, encouraging him on. When all of a sudden, Larry turned his head and looked back! As soon as he did that his pace dropped, bringing runners closer behind him. All of a sudden he tripped, by catching his foot in a small hole in the field, and fell. Immediately, he was covered by the opposing team. I am sure that this all happened pretty early in the game. These things happen in football and the team players rally around and quickly move onto the next play. That’s what makes it so exciting, except for winning of course.

My #3 grandson, Jordan who was in the 7th grade, was playing his first year of basketball. To him it is just a game and so far was having a good time. At one point in a game he found himself with the ball and the players of both teams were down at the opposing teams basket. He stopped long enough to assess his position and with no one to throw the ball to, lopped it with an over the head throw towards the basket not intending to score, but just getting rid of the ball. Standing about 10 ft outside of the three point line, he tossed the ball smoothly into the basket. The crowd went crazy! Now this play was a little different from another play he made when he forgot they switched baskets at half time and he dribbled the ball all the way to the visitors basket and tried to make a basket. This time everyone laughed, including Jordan.

When I was a child, at the end of each service an ‘invitation’ would be made to those who wished to accept the Lord and to be baptized. One time a young man came forward. The pastor asked him; "Do you play baseball?" The young man said yes! Then the pastor asked him; "Are you a team player?" The young man said yes! The pastor went on to say; "Do you want to play on God’s team?" The young man said yes! Philippians 1:6 tells us that God has begun a work in us which He will take to it’s completion. When we decide to be a player on God’s team He begins that work immediately. Not just when a game is scheduled. God’s team is always in play! In other words we need to be strong! Our eyes focused on what is ahead! Pressing on towards the goal.

Did you know that we are not strong enough to fight Satan’s attacks alone? Not only did God give us the Holy Spirit but in Hebrews 10:24-25 Paul tells us that we also need the support of God’s people, His team, the church! Galatians 6:1 tells us that we are to stimulate one another to love and good works and to encourage each other. We must come together in worship and fellowship. We need each other, working together as a team so it is possible for us to help carry each others burdens. I love watching competitive sports but I like it more when they are having fun.

I know that Life is serious and team play is serious! "And whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted". Matthew 23:12 In competitive sports we can win or lose. If we want to play on the wining team; If we want to excel as a team player; If we want to carry that ball for the winning point, then we need to let God be our coach!
When we play by God’s rules, we are winners! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/8/08

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