Monday, August 24, 2009

PLASTIC! 8/24/08

When we think of plastic we find ourselves thinking of items that lay in the ground for hundreds of years because we have been taught that it is not biodegradable. Assuming that some plastics do take a long time to disintegrate, what about just the word plastic? In looking in the dictionary we find that 'pastic' is a product of synthetic chemistry that is moldable, like in sculptures or the art of modeling. It can be formed into desired shapes and in products that are useful. Wax is a form of plastic because it is easily impressed, moldable and creative. Our skin or tissues and body parts are a form of plastic because it is moldable and can be transferred to other injured or deformed regions of the body. The branch of surgical science which treats and practices the transfer of tissues from one part of the body to another is called 'Plastic-Surgery'.

Some years ago my mother was in her kitchen melting some wax in a pan on the stove. It quickly caught on fired! She grabbed the pan by the handle and went to take it out the back door. A breeze caught the flame and she responded by jerking the pan and caused the wax to fly upward onto her right arm. A police car had been sitting out front and watched the whole thing as in slow motion. They responded quickly and took control of the situation. Mom suffered 3rd degree burns on her arm which took months of treatment and plastic surgery to get her arm functional again. Some of the skin was thick and filled the bend of her elbow. It never was 100% but she adapted to it's abnormal condition.

Many times I would come in contact with a woman who lived in our area. Her whole face had been surgically transformed through plastic surgery due to a fire, she had been in. Her eyes were tight and so was her nose and mouth. She had no eyebrows or lashes! The skin was taut which caused it to be very shiny and smooth with no facial hairs. She learned to face her world with confidence, because this type of plastic surgery, was biodegradable and could breath.

When we give God our heart, God can make changes because a willing heart seeks Him out, with not only a heart, but with soul, mind and spirit. On the occasions when God literally changed the heart, as in plastic surgery, self became stronger and destruction was imminent.

As we read 1 Samuel 10 we find Samuel anointing King Saul. In verse 9 God does plastic surgery by giving Saul a new heart. Saul did nothing! God did it all! Even in verse 26 God touches the hearts of those who willingly went with Saul. Saul was disobedient and grieved the Lord! In reading 1 Kings 3:9 we find that King Solomon specifically asks God to give him a heart of wisdom and understanding so he could discern between good and evil to judge the people. God responds to Solomon in verses 10-12 by doing plastic surgery on Solomon's heart. God says; "I have given you a wise and discerning heart". Solomon did nothing! God did it all! God did not make Solomon wise and understanding in all walks of his life. However, because Solomon wanted to do the right thing God also gave him what he did not ask for. Riches and honor! Solomon faced many challenges wisely, however, Solomon did not totally follow God.

1 Samuel 16:7 God looks at the heart of David. God tells Samuel; "Do not look at his appearance as man does, I look upon the heart"! David's heart was good to go; but he too grieved his God! Even so, God loved David in spite of his ways because God knew David's heart.

Our hearts can be changed if we are willing. When our hearts are foolish, they can be hardened and no longer pliable enough to be remolded. When we give our heart to God He becomes the potter and we are the clay. He molds it and makes it new. Do you have the kind of heart that can be molded into the heart God desires for you? Even today, I feel the pressure of the Potter's hands as He continues to mold and make me. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Matthew 5:8 By Jane Ann Crensahw 8/15/08

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