Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Recently I was reading a short bio of my daughter-in-law, Faye. When it came to religion she wrote 'conservative Christian'. I guess I had never seen that before, at least in writing. Years ago people would put in either Catholic or Protestant. I always just put in Christian as well as American for race. I try never to conform to establish a difference. In the Christian world the saying was; "I am Christian only, not the only Christian". Up until yesterday that is what I would say. Today, I am pondering the idea of being a conservative Christian.

Being a conservative Christian is like drawing a line. Yesterday I wrote about the liberal thinker and today, the conservative thinker. I realize that my views are conservative and of course you probably have already guessed that, if you have been following my blog. I am also conservative in my politics, in the way I dress and also in my social habits.

Being a conservative says I am cautious, prudent, moderate, believing in established principles, opposes change that causes major conflicts with the scriptures. For instance; legalized abortions and legalized same sex marriages due to extreme life style choices. Yes, I would say I am a conservative Christian. For me that is not a bad thing. It is the way I think!

Christ was a conservative and if we are to follow in His footsteps then we too should be considered, conservative. Isn't the child, more times than not, what the parent is? I am probably more vocal than most when it comes to my views. I used to argue politics with the best of them. But because of the turn our country has taken, I have decided I can't change anything with my arguing because this is all in God's hands at this point in time. I used to argue the scriptures but having taught adults for many years I have discovered that most have their minds made up. However, there are many that are willing to hear what the word says. How exciting is that?

There are probably more 'thou shalt not do' than there are 'thou shalt do', in God's word. There are probably more restrictions on social habits and everyday activities than there are in using our freewill to do whatever we want to. One of the cliche's of twenty or more years ago is; "If it feels good, do it". This is not found in the Bible, but on every street corner.

In Jesus Christ we have more freedom than can be imagined. We are free to say no to whatever we want to; We are free to say yes to all the good things that God has provided for us. We are free to live a life that is free from Godly condemnation. We are free to attend the church of our choice; We are free to worship whenever we want to. We can be free of guilt! We are free to become the kind of person God has created us to be. The list can go on and on!

What is part of the conservative church is; an Elder who knows the scriptures and follows God's direction; A man after God's own heart! An approval by the Elder; which is still a desired quality for any well organized church. The pastor of such a congregation teaches that it is not easy to become a Christian. The matter of surrendering one's life to Christ, facing our sin and submitting to Christian baptism require much courage and humility. The process required for you to become saved by the saving grace of Jesus Christ is relatively simple. The process is to hear (Luke 8:4-15); believe (John 3:16); repent (Luke 13:3); confess (Romans 10:9-10); be baptised into the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38). No short cuts! No watered down philosophies! No pretense here! The picture of baptism is compared to a burial and a resurrection as found in Romans 6:3-6. We bury our old self and become raised anew!

Peter says in Acts; that in baptism we are given forgiveness of sin and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Why would anyone not want to be baptized? Baptism is the only 'once in a lifetime' step to salvation. To live a Christian life, the other 4 steps must be continued daily. "Paul was to live by faith." Galatians 2:20 So must we; even if it means to be conservative! Jane Ann

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