Thursday, August 6, 2009

The word universal, according to the dictionary means; All-pervading; relating to the whole world, general, common to all; and limited, restricted, sectional. Catholic with a small 'c' means 'universal', general or liberal. I love dictionary searches, don't you? Universalism pertains to the doctrine of universal salvation and redemption. The United Church of Christ is a good example of Universalism. They have taken all wants and desires of most churches and combined them with worldly views and formed a union of one.

As I have said before, I am always amazed how we can distort God's word to suit our purposes and create an atmosphere of; this is right and everyone else is wrong. Of course I am not saying Jane Ann is always right but I am saying that God's word is. We must read it, believe it and live it, if we want to reign with Him on high.

Universally speaking, is God's desire! Universal is a given when God said; "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"; John 3:16 (KJV) That promise was made to everyone! The world! The masses! Or anything else you want to call it.

Just as the world has crept into everything in our lives, it has crept into the church and brought all of it's wishes, wants and desires. Unless we know God and know His word, we cannot be surprised when we realize what is happening. Personally, I fight this all the time. That is why I write Morning Glory and have put them on a blog. That is why I have taught God's word in the Sunday Schools, Women's meetings and at special occasions where I have been asked to speak and in raising my children and my grandchildren. Once I was more timid than I am today, but today I speak up and most who know me say; "There she goes again!"

The line that is drawn is the line between the world and the conservative church. The church that seeks God's word for it's direction and it's existence. "If you continue in my word you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." John 8:31b-32 The Jew's that believed in Jesus said; "We've never been in bondage, what do you mean; 'We will be made free'?" John 8:33

Here, Jesus is saying that when we know the word, the word will set us free! God's word is so important to us, as it is written. Keep reading it! Even if you don't understand the first 100 times. God will reveal His truths as you are ready for it. Just ask anyone who is a scholar of the Bible. You many read a scripture many, many times and then all of sudden, it is made clear.

When Jim and I visit other churches we always feel right at home. The church is a universal family of God. We visited Christ's Church in Jerusalem! It came out of the Orthodox traditions but it had a wonderful praise team. Beautiful singing, long, long prayers and even some speaking in tongues. Communion was served up front with a universal cup! However, they were preaching and teaching the love of Jesus Christ. I felt privileged to worship with them. We have visited many churches with liberal views but have enjoyed worshiping with them because they were preaching and teaching the love of Jesus Christ.

I consider, my home church to be conservative and it teaches what I believe, but when I visit I find that I am once again within the universal church walls. Remember when John questions Jesus when they see others casting out demons in Jesus name? John says; "We tried to stop him because he does not follow along with us!" Luke 9:49 But Jesus said to him; "Do not hinder him, for he who is not against you is for you." Luke 9:50 God wants all, but will only accept those who follow His teachings. Be careful what you follow and believe. Only Jesus is the way! Only Jesus is the truth! Only Jeus is the Life! Jane Ann

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