Thursday, January 7, 2010

NEW YEAR! Does your brand show?

Metal workers of classical Greece developed a special tool used in marking. In time, this tool was referred to as a character or instrument. Through being passed around, down through several languages, it began to be called by the designation any mark made by it. Medieval courts made much use of characters. In the movie; "The Three Musketeers" the fleur-de-lis was found on the upper left arm of the villainess and it was readily known that she was a murderer. However, that was to give a mere touch of romance to the story. It actually was an "M" branded on the person who was convicted of murder and was given prison instead of the gallows. In the same fashion, an arsonist's forehead or shoulder was branded with the character "A".

Anyone branded by authorities was marked for life. One glance at a character told a stranger what offense had been committed. As a result, the term indicating a branded letter came to stand for the sum total of a person's moral qualities.* (Why you say it by Webb Garrison) I know I have talked about character before but I believe it is important because character does count. Our character is the brand we use to show the world who we are.

The character of Jesus Christ was that He was a man without sin, the son of God. The Rich Young Rulers brand was his wealth; Mary was a woman who 'did what she could' when she took the alabaster vase and washed Jesus feet with oil. Paul became the first great missionary for Christ after he was forgiven much. Steven was called the first martyr because he was the first recorded to give his life for the cause of Jesus Christ. Peter will always be remembered for his denying Jesus but at the same time he was the great orator upon the day when 3000 souls were pricked in their hearts and were baptized.

What is in your character that stands out and shouts to the world who you are? Do you have to toot your own horn or is your brand visible? Do heads turn when you walk into a room? Are you readily noticed because of how you dress, how you adorn yourself or because of who you are? Many times we buy tickets to attend a performance because we have seen or heard about the performer. We can hardly wait until we can be in the audience and enjoy the show.

I have heard many preachers! I have seen many perform their sermons! Some are very entertaining; some are serious; some are very dry; and some can keep you on the edge of your seat. I like continuity when I hear a preacher preach. Oh, I don't mind digressing once in a while. But I don't like it when their thought gets lost at the first turn and they have trouble getting back on track by using familiar cliche's and phrases. I especially like it when I learn something new. Something I hadn't thought of before and I like it when I am lifted up and encouraged to continue my walk in Jesus Christ.

"An Elder, then must be above reproach." 1 Timothy 3:21. Above reproach means to have no handles. Nothing you can grab a hold of and see their hidden brand. "And he must have a good reputation with those outside the church, so that he may not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." 1 Timothy 3:7 This is again talking about the Elders but I think it includes all those who take part in leadership.

The brands speak loud and clear to me! There are many avenues of service within God's kingdom and even if you come with credentials for a type of service but your life style and character speak otherwise, you need to serve in other areas. I am not being judgmental I am being circumspect. You want to bring others into the kingdom, not cause them to turn away.

"That together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 15:6 Clean hands and a pure heart! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 12/29/09

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