Sunday, January 31, 2010


"Strive to retain by your virtues the heart you have won by your graces and do not be quick to take offence. Let not your voices lose the tender tones of affection. Let not your eyes forget the gentle rays that they wore in courtships smiling day. Continue to be considerate of one another's feelings. Do not allow the driving urge of your romance to please your loved one to ever give way to any other interest except God's will. And do not forget to pray to God together every night, that He may help you to heal any differences during the day so you may find in your union an unfailing source of joy".

These words were taken from the marriage ceremony Jim and I submitted to 48 years ago, this last week. These words I have remembered above all the others that were said because they were the glue that held us always in the stage of our courtship's smiling day. Do you remember your courtship days? Ours was around clam chowder at Tony's on the Pier in Redondo Beach! What do you remember?

Usually around our anniversary we remember the courtship days; the wedding plans; the wedding and our first place together. We remember when Jim learned to sing bass and when I learned how to cook for two. We remember looking at houses, and when we settled on the one that we made an offer on. We remember losing our first baby through mis-carriage and the disappointment and wonder that followed.

This past week, while spending time with my brother Lynn and Kathleen, his wife, we were privileged to be a part of their evening devotions. Lynn's health has been an issue for several years and this time together gives them strength and a renewed perspective of God in their lives. First Kathleen reads a short thought from "My Hearts Cry" by Anne Graham Lotz. Her message is for those who have a longing for more of Jesus. This is followed by a book of daily devotions called "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Each devotion concludes with scriptures of assurance. So the Bible is then opened and read. Even though we were welcomed to participate, I felt we were intruding upon a very personal and intimate time in their walk with the Lord. However, I wouldn't have wanted to miss that time shared with them for anything in the world.

"Happy is the family that is bound together by inner ties stronger than marriage laws; whose members would still prefer one another, if all marriage laws were relaxed. When together they are one, when apart they still remember the ties that bind their hearts together, and even though alone they are not utterly lonely, for the blending of their lives gives fellowship." By Leland Foster Wood

So many times we take our relationships for granted! Many times we go about our day doing our whatever's not realizing that a smile, a touch or just a hug when meeting in the hallway, can make the difference and cause the heart to grow fonder. I have mentioned before that marriage is a gift from God and we know that all gifts from God should be received by us as more precious than Gold.

Make the most of your days with your husband or wife! Take the time to be in one mind! Share your days and be content. "Whereas you do not know about tomorrow. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." James 4:14 Take into consideration that each moment spent with each other, with your family and loved ones, is time well spent. Our few days last week was time well spent and I know God is pleased. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/30/10
(Beatitudes for the Family; by Leland Foster Wood)

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