Saturday, February 13, 2010


When I was a girl I remember standing in lines waiting my turn to swing; to use the turning poles; to get a ball or just about anything that was on the Central School playgrounds. In 1997 the Promise Keepers, including Jim and my son Danny, along with over a million men from all over the country, participated in Standing in the Gap; in Washington DC. Some of us wives, sisters and daughters went along and witnessed many phenomenons that weekend; but one of them was a Kodak moment. There had to be hundreds and hundreds of outdoor potties lining the Washington Mall. Many times you see this with women but this weekend it was line after line of men and little boys taking their turn at the facilities.

While in Jordan, Jim and I witnessed men lining up across the street from our Hotel; each one taking their place in line next to the one already in place. As the taxi drove up 3 or 4 from the head of the line would get in and those still in line, would move up. Each one taking their turn as the cab drove up. This was amazing to us!

We teach children to take turns and therefore as we grow older we know that taking turns is good! Home life doesn't always afford the luxury of the men and women taking turns. Usually it is defined; Women do the girl things and the men do theirs! I never mowed the lawn or took the trash out but I did dishes and made the beds. Today things are different!

Today, there are Mr. Mom's who stay at home and rear the children and care for the home. Today, there are retired men who play golf while their wives are still working. Jim and I retired at the same time. We became a stay at home couple! We still share the running of the household as we did while working, but he always takes care of the outside. It seemed, I was relegated to the kitchen as my primary domain. Everytime we would go on a diet (which was often) it was me that needed to figure out what we could eat, count the calories and then clean it all up. I hated that! Needless to say we weren't very successful in dieting.

This last June we agreed to take a different tack. It was decided that the three of us would take turns. I would cook one week, Monday thru Sunday and Jim would clean up after me. The next week Jim would cook and Jennifer would clean up and I had the week off! The third week Jennifer cooked, I clean up. Every Sunday night whoever did the clean up, also mopped the kitchen floor. Oh my; what a novel idea! I don't know about Jim and Jennifer but I love this concept! I even look forward to being the chef again, when its my turn!

God doesn't say much about taking turns but He does tell us about doing our one another's. Remember those? "Love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor." Romans 12:10 This suggests to me that we should take turns. Step aside and let our brothers and sisters go first. Give them respect and honor and learn to be good at it.

"Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 5:21 Letting someone else take precedence over our desires is not an easy concept. If you accidently hit your left thumb with a hammer, it doesn't take revenge, does it? Immediately your right hand tries to comfort the injured thumb. "With all lowliness and meekness, with patience, forbearing one another in love." Epehesians 4:2 This scripture encourages us to put up with one another. Perhaps someone has been putting up with you? Bearing with one another should be with humility, gentleness and patience. I am thankful for those who have and still are putting up with me!

Taking turns is just one of the ways we learn to; "Live in harmony with one another; and not be haughty!" Romans 12:16a/b The scriptures teach us to not be proud or conceited. Taking turns, loving one another and putting others first is giving the same grace that God has given to each of us. I love Him because He first loved me! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/8/10

1 comment:

elandreth said...

I've heard so many women talk about a husband that won't turn a hand to help around the house. It has been hard for us to get used to me working full time these years since we moved to Boise. Vernon is so used to me being the one at home to take care of the house. He still takes care of the outside very well. Mows, trims the trees and bushes and roses and plants lots and lots of flowers. We have lovely flower pots along the top of our chain link fence out front. My how they dress up our place. During those summer months I just do everything inside because he has no more energy. But in the winter he will do whatever I ask--like vacuum or occasionally wash or dry the dishes. Now we bought a upright floor steamer so today I am going to ask him to use it on our bathroom and kitchen floors. Monday a cousin of mine is coming from Oregon and we must get this poor sad house in shape. She was going to stay with my sister but she is sick so I'll have to keep this cousin and her husband we have never even met--and they are now retired. Man, life goes by fast. So I better get this coffee inside me and get to work in double speed.
Only two more weeks of working full time but it will be a hard two weeks trying to train the new gal and get all the work done that needs doing. Yikes. I'm as nervous as this new gal is. I hope she likes the job as much as I do and I do hope she is a Christian.