Sunday, February 7, 2010


Many, many years ago there was a commerical that went like this; "For a good marriage, you must give a little, take a little and make a terrific cup of coffee!" I think it was Maxwell House! When I was asked about marriage,I would repeat this commerical and we would all laugh. As I have gotten older and don't drink as much coffee as I use to, I still believe a lot of discussion and problems are solved over a good cup of coffee.

How many of you do your morning Bible reading with a cup of coffee or perhaps a cup of tea? How many of you begin your day with a cup of java even before you reach for God's Word? I have to admit, I have trouble getting my motor running until I have that first cup of coffee with caffeine. I am really moving after my second one! The rest of the day, if I have coffee it is decaf!

I wonder how many of us begin our mornings thinking about; "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy!" Philippians 4:8 I wonder how many of us look out our windows and whether it is raining, snowing, wind blowing or the sun is shining, and say to ourselves; "This is just the kind of day I wanted!" I wonder!

We all need encouragement! We all need something to pick us up! Whether it is our morning coffee, our Bible reading or even a breath of fresh air; we need encouragement! I have a husband Jim, who encourages me with a freshly brewed cup of coffee every morning. He always smiles at me and questions if I had a good night. I can't help but feel my spirit perk up just at the sight of him and my coffee. By the way, he makes a GOOD cup of coffee! "Encourage one another daily." Hebrews 3:13

In 2 Timothy 4:2 Paul instructs Timothy with; "Correct, rebuke and encourage with great patience and careful instruction." In Titus 2:15 we read; "Encourage and rebuke with all authority." I believe these passages were used by the pastor of my youth in teaching me. I needed lots of patience and love from those who trained me in the way I should go.

Lastly and not at all least of the importance of encouraging one another is found in Galatians 6:10; "As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

This morning, after your first or second cup of coffee, go into the presence of the Lord with gladness of heart. Greet one another with psalms, hymns and fondness as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Don't hesitate to stop and listen! Share one another's burdens! Pray together and remember that where two or three are gathered together with one mind, He will be there also.

I do hope those who follow Morning Glory understand that when I write these things I am always amazed that I can do this. Jim proofs each one and when he says; I like this, his encouragement keeps me wanting to do more. I pray that you receive these words as encouragement. Because life can be SOOoo good, if we will only taste Him and see that He is good, along with enjoying that first good cup of coffee of the day. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/4/10


elandreth said...

We slept in until 9 this morning because we stayed up and watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Pretty amazing. Glad I wasn't paying for it.

And. . . . I haven't had my coffee but it has just finishing "dripping" and I am anxious for it. I always check emails while the coffee is getting ready.

Little things mean a lot don't they? Routines are comforting--like Jim getting you your coffee.

Anonymous said...

I do so appreciate the encouragement I get as a pastor seeing people like my dear brother and sister, Jim & JaneAnn, do their part in the body of Christ. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. We don't have a large church, but nor do we have a small one, and no one person can do it all, which is why I love what Paul says about the body. The eye cannot do the work of the foot which can't be a hand which can never be an ear which can't do the work of a nose which would make a poor chin that just could never..., well -- you get the picture.

I've always struggled figuring out my part, but whatever part you two are -- THANK YOU for fulfilling it (whether by way of regular or decaf).
God bless you both!
