Friday, April 10, 2009

In the 60's
my family had a reunion. Again in the 80's my family held a bigger reunion. Jim’s family had been getting together on Christmas Eve ever since he could remember. After we moved to Oregon in 1970 we weren’t able to go to these gatherings, but those who could, did! Jim’s Mom came to live with us and after she passed away we began to travel to see my family and then attend Jim’s annual, family get together’s.

Reunions are always fun! You talk and talk, trying to get caught up. You eat and eat until you are bursting at the seams. Camera’s are clicking and a flashing making snapshots to put into albums and/or slides for ‘picture nights’. Moving camera’s moving from one group to another being narrated by the camera man for another time called ‘movie nights’.

Family gatherings are always a good time! My family are friends! Jim’s family are friends! I believe that is what God wanted for family life. I remember reading how families should treat each other. As though they are guests! Interesting idea, huh?

When company is coming we always put our best foot forward. Using our best towels and a new bar of soap. We put the newest sheets on the bed along with fragrance that will permeate the air and will please the company and show that we think of them as being special. Recently Jim and I began preparing a small guest room. We had turned our two little rooms into a paint studio for Jim and the other one as an office for me when we moved in. We have company coming and thought it was time to prepare a guest room.

Our guests will be my brother Lynn and his wife Kathleen. Their friends Leon and Kathy are coming also. I went to high school with Leon. Lynn met up with him some years ago and now they are family. We have had a good time getting this room ready for our guests and even though they are family we want to treat them with all the special touches you give those you consider close friends. Most times we treat family with familiarity and friends with specialities. Why is that? Why can’t we do both?

The Lord loved his chosen Apostles and the disciples that followed him. He always took time to walk, talk and to eat with them. Jesus planned a special Passover with them before he was to be taken away. This is where He instituted what we call "The Lord’s Supper or Communion". "And as they were eating, he took bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. "Take, eat for this is my body"! And he took a cup and when he had blessed it he gave it to them and they all drank of it; He said to them; "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many"; Mark 14:22-24. In Luke 22:19c Jesus says; "This do in remembrance of me"! "I tell you I shall not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom"; Matthew 26:29. Today, Jesus sits with us at the table! WOW!

Where I attend worship we come around the Lord’s table weekly. Some congregations do this once a month; some once a year. Our memories are short! God knew our memories would be short! He also knows we like to gather around the table and eat. God instituted a table that we could share memories of what He did for us. What He did for me! The communion table is a time of remembrance. It’s a time of taking that picture out that we hold close to our heart and look at it once again. Jesus on the cross! Giving His life for us!

I love the way the Worship Team brings us up to the table. Pushes our chairs in close and leads us to that place of holiness where we can find peace. We can shed tears of sadness and of joy! I am disappointed many times when my thought is interrupted with ‘good morning’ or ‘Hi! How are you today? It breaks my connection I had just reached and causes me to falter. This service is not the time for us to begin preparing ourselves. It is a time to be prepared to meet our savior and gather around his table. Jane Ann

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