Friday, September 25, 2009

In the horse racing business the first three horses across the finish line were always recognized as the winner, place or show. The Newspapers of the 19th century would publish the results of the first three horses by describing their times, owners and winnings. Other horses would be mentioned, but many just as 'also-ran'. Most readers were familiar with the horses and so this was well accepted among them.

The presidential electrions became more and more like a horse race. Many parties had came about and the field would be crowded. In reporting results of an election, newspapers dismissed many aspirants for the White House as an also-ran. This is one who was so far back in the field that his finish order wasn't even computed. By the turn of the century, the horse and political term was being applied to a person badly beaten in any competition.

Have you ever known someone who would be considered an 'also-ran'? Several times I voted for Jim as Governor of Oregon. Once I voted for Ronald Reagan before he ever ran. I always felt, that if I couldn't find something in the person running for office that I could approve, I would write in a name that I could approve. I guess my off the cuff votes, if they were tallied, could be considered, an 'also-ran'.

I have never liked running for office. When I decided I wanted to be the Sunday School Superintendent, it was an elected position in our church. I went to the Elders and suggested with the help of God, I could transform their Sunday School, but I wanted the approval of the Elders and not by an election. In our Women's Ministry I hated running for office, but when I did, I would run if I didn't really care about being elected. Not a good form!

To me, elections are sort of like being chosen to play on a ball team, where I was usually last and I hated that, but I wanted to play, so I suffered the humiliation. These feelings have kept me from doing many things that I would like to have been a part of. Was it pride or low self esteem? I sure wouldn't have like being classified as an 'also-ran'! Now that I am old and can look back on my idiotic ways I think I was just not sure that others saw me as I did.

When I met Jesus and began an ambitious walk with Him, I knew that one thing I was sure not going to do, and that was to be left out when He comes again. I wanted to be sure that I was doing what He wanted me to do when He came in all of His Glory. I wanted to be sure that I wasn't someplace, doing something, saying the wrong thing and not open and honest when He appears at the sound of the trumpet. I certainly never wanted to be an also-ran! Am I the only one who feels this way?

John, the Revelator, learned many things that were to come. In the message to the church at Sardis it says; "Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die." Revelation 3:2a Sardis was the ancient capital of Lydia. This church was living in the past and was virtually dead. The Spirit was saying that those who were a remnant of what it was should hold steadfast and repent.

As we read about the bridegroom and the ten virgins we learn that five were wise and five were foolish. The wise ones were prepared to wait as the bridegroom tarried. The foolish ones discovered when the trumpet sounded that they didn't have enough oil in their lamps. The important message here is; "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." Matthew 24:13 The lamps seem to be referring to their lives which are either prepared or unprepared. The oil is referring to that which prepares them to give forth light. Don't be among the foolish! Don't be an 'also-ran'! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 9/1/09

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