Thursday, September 17, 2009

As a child I use to bite my fingernails. Don't know why but many children do that! I met a woman when I was in my late teens who inspired me to stop. She never said a word to me about it but I loved her hands. When I was a young mother and experienced a major disappointment, or so I thought, I began to smoke. Never was very good at it! I did this in rebellion and I thought, in secret! Obviously not a very well kept secret because God knew!

Another word for habits is 'addiction!' We have heard about addictions all of our lives. There are those who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, running, exercise of all kinds, food and the list goes on. Some are good habits and should be kept, but some are very bad to the point of destruction.

We are not born with habits, but today many are born with addictions due to the mother's activities during pregnancy. Because we are not born with them we can change them! In other words it is a decision that we make. Sometimes our choices are good and we have good results. Many times our choices are not good! They are bad for us and for those around us. These kinds of choices that turn into bad habits bring about bad results. They can be detrimental to our health, relationships not to mention our walk with God.

I've heard it said that changing habits is not breaking a habit but rethinking your habit. In other words it is a matter of transformation which is a complete change in appearance, attitudes or personality. There is a diet program called "Prism" which use the formula of transformation as found in Romans 12:2 that says; "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." This program was designed for a life time not for a quick fix.

No matter what your plight is, God has a sure fire root cause and how to fix it. Let's take diet for instance! "The righteous eat to the satisfying of his soul; but the belly of the wicked shall want." Proverbs 13:25 Food is something we need in order to live. However many of us live to eat! We either like how it feels in our mouths or we crave the taste, not to mention the crunch. How about you? In 1 Corinthians 6:13a Paul says; "Food is for the stomach and the stomach for food." Makes sense doesn't it! Paul is talking about not becoming mastered by anything! The Message translates verse 13 as; "First you eat to live, and then you live to eat!" Now that is a real mind boggler! "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!" 1 Corinthians 10:31 We are to consider all things and how it will glorify our God.

Those of us in Christ can relate to Romans 14:17 where it says; "For the kingdom of God is not food and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Cool huh! In amongst the scriptures talking about husbands and wives, Paul says; "For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church because we are members of His body." Ephesians 5:29-30 In other words man readily takes care of himself!

Whatever habit we find ourselves enmeshed in, we can find a way out, if we desire to restore and build up what was. We can go on a diet; We can seek help and go into rehabilitation; We can renew our minds and let the Savior guide us through His word; We can seek out His kingdom for fellowship. But we have to be willing to discipline ourselves enough to begin the transition into complete transformation. We cannot reach perfection by ourselves but in Jesus Christ we can do all things. By Jane Ann Crenshaw 10/7/08

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