Friday, September 18, 2009

In 2001 I began a regiment of pills. Upon retirement I began taking more pills to take my diabetes from diet controlled to medicine intervention. Also my blood pressure and Cholesterol needed help. The following years I experienced many health issues that eventually turned out to be medicine related. In 2006 I questioned some of the Meds and instead of just adding more they were being changed. However, my health issues were continuing to be a problem. Water retention was one of the big issues. Early in 2008 I was given another pill!

I didn't take the Microzide, (water pill) the morning of 3/1/08. After I take the Toprol I feel okay it is when I take the Microzide that I am flushed and feverish. I decided I would go to the Doctor's office and see the on call Doctor. My B/P in the office was 150/86. It has been higher! She agreed to allow me to stop the water pill but that it could cause problems. She suggested special stockings or I should walk which would help to keep the edema in check. I was to also follow up this visit with my regularly scheduled visit, with my regular Doctor.

I went home with the idea that I would get a head start and curtail any further edema. Jim and Jennifer were going to the store so I decided I would take a relatively short walk. I left the house at 11:30 am and about 11:45 I decided it was too cold to be out walking. I turned to head back and a cold wind hit me in the face and I swallowed it. I felt my chest tighten! It started to snow a little so I lifted my jacket over my head to where my eyes only were exposed, so I could see to walk. I began to walk a little faster and then a little more. In my brisk walking I discovered I was having chest pains. I thought it was because of the cold. I picked up my pace! The pains in my chest also seemed to pick up the pace. I began to slow down. I kept slowing my pace until I was almost at a snails pace. I wondered if I could be having a heart attack. As soon as I entered the house I dropped my jacket to the floor and headed to the bathroom. I had heard a lot about taking aspirin. I looked for the 81 mg aspirin. I couldn't find it so I took Jim's 325 mgs. I went into the living room and sat down in my chair. I called my daughter Jennifer who was with Jim. No answer! I tried my daughter-in-law Faye; no answer! I tried my grandson, Adam. No answer! With my chest still hurting, I tried Faye again and this time she answered. I asked where she was and she said she was in Medford. I knew I was in real trouble then. I told her what I thought and she said to stay put, don't move and she would take care of everything and she did. Within minutes the Paramedics were at my door.

I found myself in the ER around 12:50 pm. Eventually I was diagnosed with a heart attack and would need an angiogram. The following morning a stint was put in the 80% blocked artery. The pain was gone but now I was to begin a "rest of my life" regiment. A heart Doctor would be involved in my care because of this cardiac event and again my medicines were re-evaluated.

3 John 2 says; "Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health; I know that it is well with your soul!" When I read this verse I realize, being well with our souls outweighs our good health. I remember that I was upset when I first experienced the pain but throughout the whole process I wasn't afraid. We must put our trust in God! He has promised us that He would never leave us! My prayer is that God will take all fears away, because at the end of the day, isn't that what we all desire? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 1/19/09

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