Monday, September 7, 2009

POT LUCK 9/7/09

Yesterday morning was promotion sunday at my church. I didn't even have to suggest doing it in September! The children being promoted were recognized; and all the teachers presently being a part of the Sunday School, along with those who have taught down through the years. God was to be praised! The Sunday School can make a difference in the life of children of all ages. It can make a difference in all the years of your life.
I have realized as I get older my mind wonders back to a time before husbands, children, in-laws, employment and even retirement. I had a whole different life! For me it was a good life! For me I was happy and full of promise of what was to come! I have pictures on my walls and cards in albums; I have trinkets and things to cause my mind to go back to another time full of people that I loved. Today I have a computer that has e-mail! Yes; "I get mail!" A year ago I received an e-mail from a member of the youth group I belonged to as a girl. A youthful time that spanned single digits, teens and beyond. I want to share what Wayne has to say about a time that for those who were a part of it, will never be forgotten.

"Dear Junior Church Friends from long ago. We use to sing songs from the small "Victory" spiral song book. Iona Kay, or sometimes her mother would accompany us on the piano. Bashful Jane Ann would sometimes lead our song service. We were taught at that young tender age by our talented minister and his wife on how to lead songs properly. What a Bible and Christian education we had. We use to have Bible quiz's and Bible drills where the first one to find the scripture would stand up and read it. What fun to be the first one to find it! How lucky we were, not to have to sit through a boring adult church service. Today, I still carry my Bible most every Sunday and follow most all scripture readings. I do not have to be told how to find them in my Bible. This also reminds me of Junior High; High School; Friday night rallies; Sunday night sings, especially the Compton Sings; the Mid winter and Spring conferences; and summer camps."

Some of those who grew up within the walls of these youth groups from long before 1947 to 1960 and beyond, are still in touch through a yearly get together. Those who can, go and those who can't will hear about it from those who did. A bond developed amongst those who were led by a variety of leaders who loved the Lord and were willing to share their love with the youth.
One of our main leaders was the pastor; Lertis R. Ellett.

In Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus says; "Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." I heard a young preacher say that the phrase 'Go ye therefore' literally means; 'As you go.' That would mean as we go along in life we are to teach, baptize and do all that God has commanded of us.

When I was young that was exactly what our youth leaders did. I believe that those I knew and grew up with were prepared to do just that. I don't believe that any of them became missionaries in foreign countries but they all became strong, unbending Christians in the work place and in their homes. I believe that all have made a difference in their communities because of who they became in Christ.

I love the passage in Ephesians 5:1-21 where Paul is giving us instructions to be imitators of God. We are to walk in love! We must walk above reproach in all manner of life! We are not to allow ourselves to be deceived or misled, nor become children of disobedience! We once lived in darkness but now we are to walk as children of light and expose the darkness to the light. We are to always learn what is pleasing to the Lord by doing all things that are visible and do nothing in secret. We are to walk carefully, making the most of our time. Most of all, we are to give thanks for all things, being subject to one another.

Sometimes we think things are wasted on the youth! Nothing is wasted on the youth! All things in love and patience will achieve it's goal if Jesus is the theme. Praise God for those who chose to take Jesus as they go into the world and Praise God for those they meet on the way. Sometimes I've wondered where I would be without the youth group I grew up in; Where would I be without Mr. Ellett? Where would I be without Jesus? Thank you Wayne, for reminding me! Thank you Lord for saving my soul! By Jane Ann Crenshaw 7/25/08

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