Monday, January 5, 2009


As we teach our children about life, it is hard to know if they are really paying attention. Oh, I know we send them off to school in hopes that the teachers really do know more and can get across to our children the importance of learning and therefore they learn. We watch them stumble as they learn to walk. Their words are precious until they begin to say them properly.
We want them to be confident and yet we hold them back from making to many decisions at an early age. When it is time for self confidence and real decision making we are apprehensive as to whether they are truly capable of doing it. We wonder what kind of character our sons and daughters have formed and how they will display it in life.

My son and daughter have always shown Jim and me that they were made of the right stuff. I know that was primarily because they were raised in the church, knowing Jesus Christ. Even thought Jim and I tried to be Godly parents, we were not perfect and neither were we always right about everything. But as Jim always said; "God made it easy with Dan and Jennifer". These two kids came with all the makings for great possibilities that outweighed any possible side effects. In other words, everyone makes mistakes! Most patterns need to be reworked in order to make them fit. Conditions can make for road blocks but when you have the right stuff and it comes down to the wire, you can make it through, even if it is a little bumpy.

When Danny was 17 and a senior in High School, he was an accomplished vocalist and pianist. He and his musical friends in the choir and jazz groups were having a talent show. Miss Rogue Valley was a member of this elite group. Her talent for the pageant was piano but for this occasion she wanted to sing. The instructor saw it differently! A group of kids made a plan so Julie could sing and still play the piano. In between one of the performances Danny would go to the piano and start playing Julie’s song. She would walk out on stage and sing. By then, the music instructor couldn’t do anything about it. He told me this plan and I listened. Wished them all well and went to my seat next to Jim. I told Jim the plan! He was somewhat disappointed and normally he wouldn’t do or say anything. This plan bothered him!

He went back stage and found Danny. He said; "Your Mom just told me about the plan to help Julie sing on stage"! Danny repeated what they were planning to do. His Dad said; "Well, I would rather you didn’t, but you do what you think best!" The talent show was very good but Julie never sang. When the show was over and we were able to talk with Danny, I asked what happened with Julie’s song. Danny said; "Well, I just told the kids that my Dad didn’t like the idea so I wasn’t going to do it". I asked; "what did they say about that?" They said; "What could your Dad do about it"? "So, I just told them, I didn’t know and I didn’t want to find out ". If buttons really could pop, our buttons would have exploded. His response told us about his character! It told us of his care and concern for others. It showed us his respect for his father and his obedience was evident. I suppose I could go on and on and on!

Without even going into the scriptures, you know that Christ talks about the kind of person we should be. He asks us to be obedient to His word and to care about each other. In 2 Timothy 2:15 it says; "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth". Another scripture found in Colossians 3:16 says; "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him, to God the father". Obtaining perfection is our goal, through Jesus Christ, for Matthew 5:48 says; "we are to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect". Character does count! Character speaks volumes. What are you saying? By Jane Ann Crenshaw 2/1/08

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