Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Most times I like to say;
"Can anything good come out of New York"? We watched during 9/11 where New Yorkers became family and showed the world their place in the sun was important. They came to the aid of their state and their country! They brought the whole nation together in one effort for all to survive. Tragedy does that!

Last week some amazing things took place in New York again. We watched the news with our eyes riveted as the story unfolded. We watch the first responders arrive and those traveling on the tour boats and the ferries all come together to become the rescuer’s of a massive undertaking. Most of them apparently were just in the right place at the right time. Everyone worked together and brought about a ‘miracle on the Hudson’.

A flock of geese intercepted a US Airway Jet, flight 1549 carrying 155 passengers and crew members. Captain Solenberger and his co-pilot responded quickly to the fallen engines. With wheels up and a thump, they brought the plane down with a splash landing on the frigid Hudson River, in Manhattan New York. The Captain called it a ‘double bird strike’!

In waters of approximately 32 degrees and with the fast thinking of the Pilots, and the Rescuers, this natural disaster was limited to the shock landing because all survived with minor hypothermia and injuries. This is positive movie material with one of those happy endings.
We face challenges daily, but not often are we brought face to face with a miraculous event such as this. Quick thinking saved the day! Proper training for most was apparent!

Have you ever read a book and you seem to move right onto the pages and the story is all about you? Have you ever seen yourself as the hero or heroine, moving from one intricate point of the story into another, never stopping to think how you could do all those amazing things. Have you ever wished when you finished the book and closed it’s cover that you could just keep the story going because it makes you feel so alive? Many times through my life I have felt like that, not just in stories but in many of the activities that God brought my way.

When we begin our day, we never plan to become a hero or a heroine. Proverbs is filled with many one liners put together with many more. I chose this one for today because it fits. Proverbs 16:9; "A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps". I would like to think that God, for whatever reason, used the rescuer’s to bring about a miracle to remind us of His power, His love and to show us that He is still in control. Isn’t that something that Jesus would do? Jane Ann

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