Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sacrifices are made throughout our life time. Some are big! Some are just because. But there are some sacrifices we make because it is the right thing to do. Sacrifices are not sacrifices unless they are done knowingly, so that you are aware that it is, a sacrifice.

When Mr. White suggested that I should get a maid, Jim and I just laughed. That was almost 30 some years ago. Although, I am much older and not as physically active within the church walls, I still like to see things happening. If I could I would, but just as so many years ago, the young people of today want to see things happening and they are doing it. Praise the Lord!

I realize that Jim and I made many sacrifices but we did it willingly not grudgingly. I look around the church today and I see many who are willing to sacrifice their time, money and even personal desires to see the church grow spiritually and in fellowship. However, the key to remember is that; "Behold it is better to obey than to sacrifice!" 1 Samuel 15:22c

What does God want from us when He says we are to obey? Does He want perfect attendance in the worship hour; Is it our presence when the church doors are open; Perhaps it is our willingness to help out during the second hour taking care of the nursery! Could it be teaching a Sunday School class; or cleaning up the kitchen after a potluck. The list can go on and on when we think about all the things we do or have done as a part of the body of Christ.

Since I was 10 years old I have wanted nothing more than to be at the church building, doing things. Is that being obedient? Since Jim and I married we have been involved in the church! Is that being obedient? Even now we love to be within the church building along with the church itself, doing things. Is that being obedient?

We are to obey God's commandments! "Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might; second to this is to love thy neighbor as thyself." Matthew 22:37 When we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we understand that our obedience is loving God and each other. All the things that we do is because we love the Savior and each other! If we are involved then perhaps, we are not in love.

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself. Do not merely look out for your own personal interest, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:3-5 "And being found in appearance of man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross!" Philippians 2:8

Jesus was obedient to the Father even to death because He loves the Father and He loves you and me! Simple as that! Jesus said; "If you obey my commands, you will abide in my love!" John 15:10a

I have found that everything I have done and still do, is because I love God, His Son Jesus Christ and all those who call themselves Christians. Think about your service in the name of the Lord. Are you doing it to prove your sacrifice? Are you doing it because you are talented and want to perform? Or are you doing it because you keep falling in love with Him over and over again.

I suppose we could have gotten a maid! I know the kids would have been thrilled. I suppose we could have stopped doing many things. But as I look back on our walk with the Lord, I can't see how we could have done anything different. Our children probably could see it much differently. However, Jim and I have watched our children grow into the kind of people that God has created them to be. Not to mention how much we have grown ourselves. Of course, God is not finished with our family, nor is He finished with you! Jane Ann

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