Friday, July 31, 2009

When we were children one of the things we were taught was how to give by sharing with our friends. We also learned to say 'thank you' when we received something. Remember? When we had children of our own we taught them the same things. This little piece of manners or etiquette is still alive and sort of well in our society. Even though, this is a hard lesson to learn as a child. Many times we would pretend to share but the first chance we had we would take it back. Lots of crying, kicking and sometimes screaming took place during this process.

As adults, giving comes easier especially when prosperity lies at your door. Receiving is another story altogether. The church is in the business of giving. Special holidays you will find the church making lists of those to give food baskets to and/or money during hard times. Most families that are given a basket can take it thankfully and then there are families who are again, embarrassed and feel resentful. They may take this gift reluctantly or may refuse it altogether.

Years ago my sister Jean had a couple of children in her Sunday School class that could not afford to have a Christmas tree or even gifts to be found under it. The father apparently had lost his job. Jean encouraged the church to donate food and gifts were collected for these two girls. Jean took them over to this home on Christmas eve and put them on their porch. The father became angry; found out where Jean lived and threw the gifts and food in her front yard.
Although Jean was very disappointed, she picked them all up and took the gifts to the Mayor of our town and asked if he couldn't find a family that could use them. My mother purchased the food! So very sad!

It was a blessing for all who took part, but it was so hard for those children because they witnessed this anger in their father. You would have thought that just accepting the food and these gifts, if only to see his children happy that next morning, would have been worth forgetting his pride but then that is how the evil lurks at our doors when Christ is not allowed to enter.

Paul is talking to the elders of Ephesus when he says; "In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said; 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'." Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give, because it is the nature of the Christian to give. Christ gave and therefore, we give. Paul is ot talking about gifts like we think of gifts. Gifts purchased and packaged in colorful paper and ribbons. Gifts of value and gifts of pleasures. Paul is talking about other kinds of gifts that help to fulfill the needs. He refers to the fact that he worked to take care of his necessities and for those who were with him. He did not ask the elders to support him. He says that by his working himself, he could help others such as the church there in Ephesus. Paul was blessed by using his resources to help those in need. Paul was blessed because he gave, instead of receiving help from the Elders.

Funny, how we take a scripture and use it suit our purposes. Funny, how we quote the Bible and say; 'it is more blessed to give than to receive'. We feel all rightous and good! However, the scriptures are talking about our taking care of those less fortunate than ourselves. It is not necessarily talking about our giving and receiving of gifts between one another.

I believe our giving and receiving of gifts are important because of our attitude in giving and receiving. I believe that our giving and receiving to one another is a good character trait. A character trait that we have picked up by imitating Jesus Christ and those who we have learned from in His word. Learning to be like Christ is our goal! Learning to be like Christ in this world can be achieved if we are willing to accept His ways. Jane Ann

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